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How to Get an Array of Random Numbers or elements in Wordpress ?

learn to Get an Array of Random Numbers or elements in Wordpress.

In this blog post, we will discuss generating a different type of array of numbers.


  • How to generate a random number.
  • How to generate random indexes from the array.
  • How to generate random elements from the array.

Hi 👋 Welcome

How to generate a Random number.

we will use this function in the below code.

function get_random_element( $array_of_element ){
    return mt_rand(0, count($array_of_element) - 1);

How to generate random indexes from the array.

  • we have used this code to loop the above-mentioned function.
function get_random_array( $array_of_element, $count_return ){
    $random_array = array();
    while( count( $random_array ) <  $count_return){
        $random_number = get_random_element( $array_of_element );
        if( ! in_array( $random_number , $random_array ) ){
            array_push( $random_array, $random_number );
    return $random_array;

How to generate random elements from the array.

In this function, we have used the above function the same to get random indexes from the array.

function get_random_values( $array_of_element, $count_return = 3 ){
    $random_index = get_random_array( $array_of_element, $count_return );
    $return_array = array();
    foreach( $random_index as $key => $random_index_number ){
        $return_array[$key] = $array_of_element[$random_index_number];
    return $return_array;


  • You can combine this code like this and get the array of values by passing an array.

function get_random_element( $array_of_element ){
    return mt_rand(0, count($array_of_element) - 1);

function get_random_array( $array_of_element, $count_return ){
    $random_array = array();
    while( count( $random_array ) <  $count_return){
        $random_number = get_random_element( $array_of_element );
        if( ! in_array( $random_number , $random_array ) ){
            array_push( $random_array, $random_number );
    return $random_array;

function get_random_values( $array_of_element, $count_return = 3 ){
    $random_index = get_random_array( $array_of_element, $count_return );
    $return_array = array();
    foreach( $random_index as $key => $random_index_number ){
        $return_array[$key] = $array_of_element[$random_index_number];
    return $return_array;


  • You can call this function like:

$large_array = array( 10, 25, 85, 47, 78, 89, 79, 258, 74, 2 );

 * $arg-1 is array of elements , 
 * $arg-2 is number of elements to be return
$random_array = get_random_values( $large_array, 4 );


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